Drug use and dependence is an important public health concern, which impacts on the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
No drug and alcohol problem is too trivial or too serious. We can help you with getting timely access to confidential medical advice, care and support.
If you are affected by drug use and would like to chat to someone, call our confidential 24/7 support line on 1800 377 700.
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Dental practitioners and students are exposed to professional demands that might make them vulnerable to using, or becoming dependent on, alcohol and other drugs.
If alcohol or other drug use is having a negative impact on your work, education, personal life or health this may indicate psychological and/or physical drug dependence.
People do not have to reach a specific level of drug dependence to receive help. Anybody who experiences unease, anxiety or distress related to the use of alcohol and other drugs can benefit from seeking advice, care and support.
Treatment for alcohol and other drug use varies depending on a variety of factors such as the types of drug used, severity of the problem, and personal treatment preferences. Our experienced Dental Practitioner Support team is available to offer advice and discuss the treatments available, to help you manage your health and ability to work successfully.
If you would like to know a bit more about the service before getting in contact — take a look through accessing support.
Read some of our articles on staying healthy:
Our service provides free and confidential support, to dental practitioners and students Australia-wide. If you would like to speak to someone call us 24/7 on 1800 377 700 or you can request support via email.
If you would like to know a bit more about the service before getting in contact — take a look through accessing support.
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Learn more about commonly used substances.