When we arrived in Tamworth, we found a rental we adored, which was more spacious and affordable than the options we had been considering in Sydney. Our other living expenses are also generally lower; we refuel our car much less frequently as we do not need to drive long distances and our local produce is inexpensive. Our daily commute to work is a four-minute drive, while most trips within town are less than 15 minutes. This has greatly improved our quality of life, as it means we have much more time in the day for ourselves.
Tamworth is a regional town with many shops, restaurants, cafes, and, notably, its own airport. You can find all the major grocery and retail stores along the main street, and all are easily accessible by foot. Weekends and weekday mornings are particularly lively, with community members out-and-about, enjoying everything the town has to offer. Our community is very athletic, outdoorsy, and supportive of sport, as many rural towns are. There is something for everyone! In addition, people are warm, welcoming, and particularly appreciative of new healthcare workers who have relocated to the area.
Yet, an early challenge for us was trying to stay busy outside of work hours—it can be isolating moving rurally without easy access to your established social network. You will find you have appreciably more time to nurture your hobbies or get involved in the community. Yasmin joined the local Musical Society while Anthony connected with the local tennis club, where we met like-minded individuals with whom we have become close friends. We were also introduced to a large group of young health professionals who had relocated to Tamworth for employment opportunities. They have become the foundation for our growing group of friends in town.
If you have moved to a new area for work and need help adjusting, reach out to the DPS 24/7 helpline, 1800 377 700.